Message from the President

Sexual misconduct, including sexual violence, is a national problem, and college and university campuses certainly have not been immune. National surveys report that one in five undergraduate women and one in sixteen undergraduate men experience attempted or completed sexual assault while in college. Such violence has a profound impact on a victim’s academic, social, and personal life, and negatively affects the experiences of their friends and families, other students, and the university community at large.

Arizona State University is committed to combatting this complex social problem and fostering a positive learning, working and living environment that promotes every individual’s ability to participate fully in the ASU experience without fear of sexual violence or sexual harassment. Through university policies, awareness efforts, education and training programs, and advocacy, every member of the ASU community should be prepared to actively contribute to a culture of respect and to keep our community free from sexual violence, harassment, exploitation and intimidation.

Cases involving allegations of sexual misconduct that are reported at ASU are fully investigated. ASU provides victims with resources that let them know they are not alone, including guidance on finding a safe place, filing a police report, speaking with counselors and seeking medical care.

We are wholly focused on strengthening our knowledge and consciousness about this issue, making enhancements to support services and resources for victims, and enhancing partnerships with key organizations and agencies working to end sexual violence. We are dedicated to sexual violence prevention and the overall safety of all who study, live, work and recreate at ASU.

We must all strive to build a culture of respect in which every member of the Sun Devil family feels free from the threat of sexual violence.


Michael M. Crow


Arizona State University