
Access Here4U by visiting on your computer, tablet or smartphone.

While Here4U is a confidential resource, Here4U is not staffed by a live support person. If you are in crisis and need immediate support, call EMPACT, ASU’s 24/7 crisis hotline, at 480-921-1006 or visit the national or local resource hotlines page for more options. Call 911 in the event of a life-threatening emergency.

What is Here4U?

Sexual assault at colleges and universities is a critical health and human rights issue that impacts the overall well-being of entire learning communities. Despite often having multiple options available for pursuing justice and seeking care, advocacy, and support on and off campus, many students who are assaulted struggle to navigate common enablers and barriers to information seeking, and as a result, never get the help they need. Here4U is an internet-based decision aid specifically designed to help ASU students who experience sexual violence make informed choices about pursuing justice and seeking care, support and advocacy on and off campus 24/7.

How does Here4U support victims and survivors?

Here4U was co-created by student victims and survivors, as well counselors, a Title IX Coordinator, victim advocates, forensic nurse examiners, special victims unit detectives, and crisis workers, to ensure students can safely and confidentially assess their needs, determine whether or not they need help, feel that the help they need is available, and navigate various enablers and barriers to access critical resources in real-time.

Specifically, Here4U helps firsthand and secondhand victims and survivors of sexual violence learn about and connect with available and appropriate resources by:

  • Providing reliable and unbiased information in a way that is clear and understandable.
  • Helping survivors evaluate individual values and preferences surrounding available options for pursuing justice and seeking care.
  • Safely connecting students to existing and appropriate campus and community resources in real-time.

What to expect when using Here4U

Here4U safely guides students and anyone they disclose to, such as friends, parents, partners, teachers, and community assistants, through a step-by-step process, to help them explore available options, evaluate individual values and preferences, and connect with existing and appropriate resources on and off campus.

Here4U can be used before, during, or after interactions with medical and mental health professionals, law enforcement, administrative staff and others. All you need is 10-15 minutes and a computer or smartphone with internet access.