

Arizona State University strives to foster a positive learning, working, and living environment that promotes every individual’s ability to work, study, and innovate without fear of sexual harassment or sexual violence. Through university expectations and policies, all members of the ASU community should be prepared to contribute to a culture of respect and keep our community free from all forms of sexual violence, harassment, exploitation, and intimidation.

Title IX Information

Information on policies, procedures, reporting and filing a Formal Title IX Complaint

ABOR Student Code of Conduct

University expectations and policies for students

ACD 401: Nondiscrimination, Anti-Harassment, and Nonretaliation Policy

University policy for all employees and students including ASU’s mandatory reporting policy.

Investigative Procedures for Faculty and Staff

Information on the process for investigation and resolution of reports of policy violations including ACD 402: "Romantic or Sexual Relationships Between Faculty and Students".